The trading fee rate of leverage ETF product is the same as spot trading fee rate, that is 0.1% . Besides, HOTBIT will charge management fee for each times of leverage every day (the management fee rate is dynamic based on the performance of the crypto market. It is displayed on the leveraged ETF product trading page. The exact management fee for each token should be referred to the real-time page and the specific ETF product launch announcement). To pay the funding rate, trading fee and other necessary charges generated by the fund portfolios. The management fee will be manifested on the dynamics of net value. It will be charged three times at 08:00 AM, 04:00 PM and 00:00 AM UTC every day. No fee will be charged if you do not hold Leveraged ETF product at the time point.
The Collection Method of ETF Area Management Fees and Hedging Costs has been adjusted at March 22nd, 2022, click here for more information.
Leveraged ETF is an emerging financial product. The content above does not constitute investment advice. Please watch out investment risks.
Leveraged ETF reduces the risks of liquidation, but in extreme conditions there’s possibility that the price will approach zero and be liquidated. Please pay attention to the difference between order price and net value, to avoid losses.
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